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Microsoft Holiday 

For Microsoft's annual holiday commercial we used the Xbox adaptive controller to spread the message of inclusivity and to demonstrate their commitment to making products for every person. The success of this spot eventually led to further story telling around inclusivity and the adaptive controller.

Reindeer Games — :60

SuperBowl :60

BTS video about the star of the spot, Owen. This video became the blueprint for the Super Bowl spot.


We had Owen create tutorial videos where he demo'd the Adaptive Controller on his personal YoutTube channel. After the Super Bowl spot aired, people started sharing his videos on Reddit, which quickly amassed 40k+ upvotes. Before the Super Bowl, his channel had 20 subscribers and videos typically had 100 views. After Redditors got a hold of his content he gained 20,000 subscribers and his video on the Adaptive Controller packaging gained over a 150,000 views.

Tutorial – Setting up the foot control

Tutorial - Using the One-handed Joystick