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The Living

Portrait of NYC

The Living Portrait of NYC

Citizens Banks was entering the NYC for the first time and wanted to do something different from the usual announcement ads we see when companies enter new markets. New Yorkers are people who have seen it it all, so how do you get them them to pay attention? We created an installation that was a celebration of New Yorkers from all walks of life, putting their stories center stage through data, audio, live performance, an immersive film, and an interactive communal portrait.

This multi-sensory, multi-media experience took place in a 10,000 square foot space. Four enveloping rooms create unique portraits of New York life – where every borough, every neighborhood, and every individual help contribute to the city’s magic and myth.

The Living Portrait of NYC showcases the resilience and brilliance of New York and celebrates what it means to be a New Yorker.

Recognition: D&AD, One Show, Clio, LIA

Case Study

Room 1 – Data Portrait

The experience began with a data-driven portrait of the city – inspired by what happens when 8.8 million unique individuals come together as one. Tickers enveloped guests in the real-time happenings of the city. Data from a custom survey of over 5000 citizens, the city archives, and a scrape of nearly 100 other open sources was distilled into an immersive and engaging visualization of the ways New Yorkers work, play, love, eat, spend and get around.


Room 2 – Audio Portrait

No one tells a story quite like a New Yorker. And with so much to experience, there are stories here that just couldn’t have happened anywhere else. To find these stories, we sent a dozen journalists across all five boroughs to conduct in-depth interviews with over 200 New Yorkers.

The best of these stories were presented through the use of directional audio beams, sound design and responsive lighting – allowing guests to step into a beam and have an intimate one-on-one listening experience.



Audio Portrait Sample — Belonging

Audio Portrait Sample — Arts

Audio Portrait Sample — Success

Room 3 — Multimedia Portrait

An immersive film captured across 20 shoot days and projection-mapped across 241 custom built screens surrounded guests with a documentary tone poem celebrating life in the city. From the morning rush, to the boundless energy after dark, guests experienced the cacophony and synchronicity, sights and sounds of a 24-hour day in the city. 

360º Video: Drag you cursor in the video to see it from different angles.

Timelapse Video: 9 minutes of film in 17 seconds


Room 4 – Communal Portrait

An ever-evolving mosaic of New Yorkers allowed guests to become a part of the exhibit. Stepping into an interactive photo booth, guests answered a series of gamified prompts about their New York experience and generated a distinct animated portrait that was added in real-time to our large-scale digital mural. 
Additionally, guests could export these dynamic, individual portraits to be shared across their social channels.

Guests' answers to the quiz fed into a custom application, and were mapped to NY-themed photographs, icons, and adjectives – resulting in a uniquely personalized portrait per person.
