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Pyro Posters

Zippo Pyro Posters  

A campaign with an unusual request: to set our work on fire

Zippo lighters are famous for their durability and utility, which is why they have a huge fanbase with outdoor enthusiasts, campers and hikers. To engage with these nature lovers, we created Pyrotechnic Posters: an interactive installation at the Zippo Museum, in the museum’s retail gift shop, and a kit sent to outdoor influencers.

These “ordinary” black posters in the kit, the Zippo Museum and gift shop were hiding elaborately illustrated worlds in 3 different nature settings. But there was a catch—you could only see it by using your Zippo.

The secret to making it all work was thermochromic ink technology that responds to the heat of a flame. When touched with the lighter, the black surface revealed a hidden world of imposing animals in three environments: a forest, a cave, and a swamp.

Recognition: Cannes, One Show

Case Study

The scenes underneath the black thermochromic ink


Close up details


Influencer Kits

Each kit was designed with the rugged, all-American aesthetic that Zippo is famous for. 

A solid oak case featured laser-etched brand messages appeared to be burned into the wood surface. Inside, there was a classic Zippo lighter and a letter with an unusual request—to set the posters on fire. 

Pyrotechnic Posters sparked intrigue with an adventure-loving audience, and reinforced that Zippo was an essential tool to “see what’s out there” in the great outdoors.

The kit


Influencer Kits